A review of Scamps by Poppy written on Friday 20th of April 2012
I must praise Sue for taking so much care of our poppy. She advised us of how she would be able to complement poppy to show her off. What shampoo would best suit poppys coat ( she's a westie so has itchy skin} Sue also removed the fur from between poppys pads- just the undersides as there is always hard lumps of grit etc in them, clipped her claws and also 'plucked' the hair from her ears, unlike the last place who just cut the fur level but told me they had plucked them.She also expressed the glands in poppys bum sounds gross, but as poppy does have to visit the vets because of the problems they cause, i was amazed she did them. Later when i collected poppy, i was greated by a bouncy, very very happy very white poppy, never had her back that white before. I was then shown by sue everything she had done. i was so pleased to find such a caring animal lover who takes great care and pride in what she is able to offer each doggies and peoples needs after the others fob offs. I only knew of Sue via another westie owner, who told me that she is really difficult to get an appointment with, and she only has 1 dog at a time to ensure that they are given all the attention they need. this owner has been going to sue for over 12 years and everytime i see max after a cut he always looks stunning. I now know that sue had been a veterinary nurse for 20 years,, thats a loss to the vets BUT what a gain to us !THANK YOU FROM ME & POPPYx and to top poppys visit, she ran back to sue nearly knocked her over and gave her a great big sloppy lick as though to say thank you. already re booked poppy for her next visit, dont, wont go anywhere else now..
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